Digital X-Rays

What are X-rays?
X-rays are electro-magnetic radiation, which are produced by special machines called X-ray machines. These cannot be seen, felt or heard.
How do X-rays work?
Different parts of the body behave differently with X-rays. Structures such as bone absorb X-rays, whereas air in the lungs lets all X-rays pass through. Thus, when X-rays pass through the body, when they come out, they have different strengths, depending on what parts of the body they have passed through. When these X-rays hit a film (like a photographic film), that film gets exposed depending upon this variation. Like a photographic film, this special film also needs to be developed, before we can see the final picture.

Where are X-rays useful? X-rays have been used to look at all parts of the body. Specifically, they are required for the chest, all bones and joints and for the abdomen.
Are there any dangers?
Since, X-rays involve radiation, there is a theoretical risk, though none in practice. In women who are pregnant, X-rays should be performed only after weighing all risks and benefits. 
What are the dyes used with X-rays? Sometimes, artifical dyes are used to improve our ability to see internal structures. These usually form part of a "procedure". The common dyes used are either barium containing (barium sulphate) or iodine containing. Barium sulphate is used for all barium examinations to study the stomach and intestines. Iodine containing dyes are usually injected in the veins to study the kidneys, during angiography, etc.

Are there any complications of the dye? Five % of patients may get nausea and redness of skin. Though severe reactions are known, these are very rare and uncommon. However, in patients show have a previous history of allergy, those who are asthmatics, those wich renal and cardiac failure, a special dye which is more expensive, but safer should be used, to prevent a reaction.

Who is qualified to report X-rays?
Only radiologists are trained to read X-rays and all X-rays should carry a radiologist's report. Other physicians and non-radiology centres may also perform X-rays, but they are usually not qualified. Before going for an X-ray, ask the centre, whether it will be done under the radiologist's supervision.

Are there any newer advances in X-rays?X-rays are used in CT scanning (computed tomography). Digital radiography uses X-rays for directly producing images on a computer, bypassing the film - this is very helpful in emergency situations, such as the trauma centre or intensive care unit. 

What are Digital X-rays? All images obtained using digital systems are digital x-rays. The commonest digital method used is the CR system that produces digital X-rays on a computer. See the accompanying picture for an idea of how this works.

What are the advantages of Digital X-rays?Digital X-rays are superior to conventional X-rays in resolution and quality.

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